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Chea, T. (2012, Sep 23). Solyndra cylinders aglow with new purpose; UC berkeley's botanical 

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Giovanetti, M., Giuliani, C., Boff, S., Fico, G., & Lupi, D. (2020). A botanic garden as a tool to 

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Master Plan: Botanical Garden, University of California. Berkeley, Calif: The Garden, 1980. Print.


Newsletter, University of California Botanical Garden, Berkeley. Berkeley, Calif: Friends of the Botanical Garden, University of California., 1976. Print.


Powledge, Fred. "The Evolving Role of Botanical Gardens." Bioscience 61.10 (2011): 743-9. 

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Roderick, Wayne, and Suzanne B. Riess. California Native Plantsman : UC Berkeley Botanical 

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